Tuesday 25th April 2017

It is my father’s funeral today so no analysis being done today.

Thanks for your understanding



  1. Good Morning Nick and everyone,I was going to post my position but I don’t feel it’s appropriate at this time.. Nick I’m so sorry for you. When I lost my dad on the day of the funeral the only thing that kept me strong and the only thing I can’t think to say to you is this…….If your father is looking down on you he wouldn’t want you to be upset,he would understand but he wouldn’t like it…so I decided I would try and be strong and not get too upset at my dads funeral as I thought it might make it easier for him. It was the way I looked at it that I knew was true and I’m sure your Dad would be exactly the same..I hope you find some comfort in these words….take care anstel.

  2. Morning Nick, words can’t describe the feeling you will be going through. I lost my father in January this year and I am still coming to terms with him not being there. As anstel said, be strong and be thankful for the good memories you have and make him proud.

    1. Good Morning Icarus ,I wish I could talk to you in private to convey what I would like to say to you……When your in the situation you and Nick are in at the moment….January is not long at all in the grieving process and you hinted on something in your post above…….make him proud…..yes I get it,I know exactly where you are at…….I don’t know how long you have been trading Icarus.me personally ive traded shares for a long time but only been trading CFDs for 3.5 years…..I’m a virtual novice compared to the people we are trading against….veterans of the markets some off them,they have probably forgotten more than we know……my point is this……when we strive to make our deceased loved ones proud of us we are actually putting ourselves at a disadvantage.the best way to make them proud is to learn trading at a slower pace….. Like the tortoise and the hare….I tended to be more like the hare when I started and I knew absolutely zero about what I was doing……think a patient trader is a profitable trader….and try to make incremental improvements when the drawdowns turn up at your door..I learnt this the hard way Icarus and I’m still learning as I know about 1% more than zero now:0) take it easy and aim to be posting on here in 4 yrs and pay close attention to the best indicator you have…your net equity,if it’s going down whatever you are doing is not working.and tweak it….it might only need a little tweak but it needs a tweak somewhere….very best of luck…..

      1. Hi anstel, I have been trading for just over 3 years now. Took a break last year but yes I understand the point you are trying to make and I have learnt it over the years, the most time a trader spends in trading is in analysis and being patient till the scenarios play out. It’s a case of jumping on the highest probable scenario when it presents itself and not second guessing the market. The trade I took last week was nothing more than a punt. Had I followed my own rules I would have made money by going short! It’s a lesson I kept learning very frequently before and now its once in a while. I do think I have come some way w.r.t being patient but I think there is more work needed.

  3. Hi Nick, my thoughts are with you and your family today. I am sure that your Dad will be with you all and sending his love. He would want you to share the memories, the stories and the laughter…. today is a celebration of his life and to remember how privileged you were to have shared time together. Take care, Tufty x

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