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28th March 2018

Yesterdays rally was built on sand and a sell off across the board kicked in during afternoon trading. FTSE looks like it will aim for 6800.

Todays post here

Shorted S&P at 2619 earlier today and banked profits. Now looking like the bulls are back in play. FTSE didn't quite manage the 6910 level.

Ex-divs to take 3.9 points off FTSE 100

New leverage requirements

In January, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) announced some proposals on leveraged trading. These included limits on the amount of leverage that providers could offer to retail traders, along with a 50% margin close-out rule on a position-by-position basis.


i expect the new rules will greatly reduce the amount of potential new traders....looks like its going to be £3000 margin for a £10 pt position now...realistically it seems a minimum of 5k account size to start.. Its a bad step in my opinion...

Yes, they should have made it 2% and all new accounts are limited risk for the first 12 months, utilising guaranteed stops.

Just another thing that makes it look like they don't want people furthering themselves these days. Tax rates up, buy to let market being slowly dismantled, amount you can take as dividends reduced down to 2k and probably zero soon, small businesses wrapped up in red tape etc. Just want everyone to be a drone on PAYE, slaving away and working till you drop as the state pension is slowly unwound.